
Natalie Zeytuni

Academic title(s): 

Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology

Natalie Zeytuni
Contact Information

Strathcona Anatomy & Dentistry Building
3640 University Street, Room 1/54
Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C7

Email address: 
natalie.zeytuni [at] mcgill.ca
Anatomy and Cell Biology
Cell and Molecular Biology
Structural biology

BSc (Ben-Gurion University), MSc (Ben-Gurion University), PhD (Ben-Gurion University)

Current research: 

Areas of interest: Membrane transporters, bacterial secretion systems, bacterial pathogenesis, cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, structure-function studies.

The Zeytuni lab studies bacterial secretions systems and membrane transportation. Bacterial secretion systems are essential membrane embedded protein machineries, enabling bacteria to obtain nutrients, communicate, protect against biological and chemical agents, as well as facilitate disease through the delivery of virulence factors.

The Zeytuni lab integrates structural biology techniques including cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography alongside with biochemical, biophysical and genetic approaches to determine the structure and decipher the molecular mechanisms of these fascinating transport machineries.

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