
Pre-Conference Readings

Primary Readings

Patient Reported Outcome Measures Could Help Transform Healthcare

Black N

BMJ 2013;346:f167 (Published 28 January 2013)

Reporting of Patient-Reported Outcomes in Randomized Trials – The CONSORT PRO Extension

Calvert M, Blazeby J, Altman DG, Revicki DA, Moher D, Brundage MD for the CONSORT PRO Group

JAMA, February 27, 2013—Vol 309, No. 8

Let's all go to the PROM: The Case for Routine Patient Reported Outcome Measurement in Canadian Healthcare

McGrail K, Bryan S, Davis Jennifer

Healthcare Papers Vol. 11 No. 4

Implementing Patient-Reported Outcomes Assessment in Clinical Practice: A Review of the Options and Considerations

Snyder CF, Aaronson NK, Choucair AK, Elliott TE, Greenhalgh J, Halyard MY, Hess R, Miller DM, Reeve BB, Santana M

Qual Life Res (2012) 21:1305–1314

The Patient Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS): A walk Through the First Four Years

Revised on 01/12/2009

Using Health Status to measure NHS Performance: Another Step into the Dark for the Health Reform in England

Valderas JM, Fitzpatrick R, Rolan M

BMJ Qual Saf 2012;21:352e353 

Additional Readings

Health Outcomes of Care: An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Canadian Institute for Health Information

Healthcare Papers: New Models for the New Healthcare

McGrail K, Bryan S, Davis J Vol 11, No. 4, 2011

Measuring the Effectiveness of Assistive Technology on Active Aging: Capturing the Perspectives of Users

Jutai J, Southall K

Technologies for Active Aging, 95 – International Perspectives on Aging

Guidance on the routine collection of Patient Reported Outcome
Measures (PROMS)

Department of Health 

PARADOX LOST – Explaining Canada's Research Strength and Innovation Weakness

Council of Canadian Academies Presentation October 1, 2013, Ottawa

Ontario Patient-Oriented Research Strategy: Patient Reported Outcome-Informed Innovation

Getting the most out of PROMS – Putting health outcomes at the heart of NHS decision-making

Devlin N, Appleby J
PROMIS Instrument Development and Validation Scientific Standards Version 2.0 (revised May 2013)

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