Visit the听2024-2025 eCalendar听for a full list of key academic dates.
Winter 2025
Registration Period (returning students in a program) |
October 3, 2024 - January 6, 2025 |
Registration Period (newly admitted and independent students) |
October 10, 2024 - January 6, 2025 |
Term Start Date |
January 6 |
Add/Drop (Course Change) Period
$25 late registration fee
$20 drop fee |
January 7 - 14 |
Withdrawal Period (tuition refunded)
$20 drop fee |
January 15 - 21 |
Withdrawal Period (no refund) |
January 22 - February 25 |
Term End Date |
April 12 |
Exam Period |
April 14 - 30 |
2-credit Translation Courses
Course change, drop, and withdrawal deadlines vary for 2-credit translation courses:
Add/Drop (Course Change) Period
$25 late registration fee
$20 drop fee |
January 7 - 13 |
Withdrawal Period (tuition refunded)
$20 drop fee |
January 14 - 20 |
Withdrawal Period (no refund) |
January 21 - February 10 |
Term End Date |
March 10 |
Spring/Summer 2025
Registration Period (returning students in a program) |
February 4 - May 1 |
Registration Period (newly admitted and independent students) |
February 11 - May 1 |
Late Registration Period
$25 late registration fee |
May 2 - 8 |
Start dates, end dates, add/drop, and withdrawal periods听vary by session and the day(s)听on which the class is held (schedule pattern). Please select a session below to view:
Spring Session (May - June)
Schedule Pattern |
Start Date |
Add/Drop (Course Change) Period
(tuition refunded less $20 drop fee) |
Withdrawal Period
(no refund) |
End Date |
Monday and Wednesday |
May 5 |
May 2 - 14 |
May 15 - June 4 |
June 23 |
Tuesday and Thursday |
May 1 |
May 2 - 13 |
May 14 - 29 |
June 17 |
Full Session (May - August)
Schedule Pattern |
Start Date |
Add/Drop (Course Change) Period
(tuition refunded less $20 drop fee) |
Withdrawal Period
(no refund) |
End Date |
Monday |
May 5 |
May 2 - June 2 |
June 3 - July 7 |
August 11 |
Tuesday |
May 6 |
May 2 - 27 |
May 28 - July 15 |
August 19 |
Wednesday |
May 7 |
May 2 - 28 |
May 29 - July 2 |
August 6 |
Thursday |
May 1 |
May 2 - 22 |
May 23 - June 26 |
July 31 |
Saturday |
May 3 |
May 2 - 24 |
May 25 - June 28 |
August 2 |
Summer Session (July - August)
Schedule Pattern |
Start Date |
Add/Drop (Course Change) Period
(tuition refunded less $20 drop fee) |
Withdrawal Period
(no refund) |
End Date |
Monday and Wednesday |
July 9 |
May 2 - July 21 |
July 22 - August 6 |
August 25 |
Tuesday and Thursday |
July 10 |
May 2 - July 22 |
July 23 - August 7 |
August 26 |
Part-time Language Courses
Schedule Pattern |
Start Date |
Add/Drop (Course Change) Period
(tuition refunded less $20 drop fee) |
Withdrawal Period
(no refund) |
End Date |
Monday |
April 28 |
May 2 - 23 |
May 24 - June 23 |
July 21 |
Tuesday |
April 29 |
May 2 - 20 |
May 21 - June 27 |
July 22 |
Wednesday |
April 30 |
May 2 - 21 |
May 22 - June 25 |
July 23 |
Thursday |
May 1 |
May 2 - 22 |
May 23 - June 26 |
July 24 |
Saturday |
May 3 |
May 2 - 24 |
May 25 - June 28 |
July 26 |
2-credit Translation Courses
Schedule Pattern |
Start Date |
Add/Drop (Course Change) Period
(tuition refunded less $20 drop fee) |
Withdrawal Period
(no refund) |
End Date |
Monday |
May 5 |
May 2 - 12 |
May 13 - June 9 |
July 7 |
Thursday |
May 1 |
May 2 - 8 |
May 9 - 29 |
June 26 |