World-class research and teachingÂ
An internationally-renowned nexus for legal scholarship, our Faculty attracts world-leading researchers with a depth and breadth of interests that is unparalleled. Our professors are sought-after global experts, who contribute to shaping our societies through cutting-edge research and their dedication to public service. Moreover, they share an acute focus on teaching that has been at the core of the Faculty’s identity for decades.Â
Our Faculty continuously reflects on approaches and materials, and thinks through ways to innovate and make courses more engaging, critical, and exciting. 91ÉçÇř's transsystemic approach to teaching law, which crosses the boundaries of disciplines, languages, and legal systems, broke the mold for legal education.Â
A wealth of opportunityÂ
Our Faculty prides itself on offering a legal education that prepares students for decades-long professional lives in a rapidly evolving legal market and world. Our foundational, theoretically rich approach helps our graduates to ask the right questions, grapple with uncertainty, and solve complex problems involving rules from many sources. Our offerings continue to evolve, with increasing engagement with Indigenous legal traditions and changing technologies, such as artificial intelligence. Intensive one-credit courses taught by practitioners complement our core courses.Â
La vie au-delĂ de la salle de classe est Ă©galement riche en activitĂ©s et confĂ©rences, en , en programmes d’échanges et en occasions de formation par l’expĂ©rience; certaines de ces options donnent droit Ă des ł¦°ůĂ©»ĺľ±łŮ˛ő (revues juridiques, cliniques juridiques, stages d'auxiliaires juridiques, autres stages), alors que d’autres prennent la forme d’activitĂ©s parascolaires. Je faillirais Ă ma tâche si j’omettais de mentionner les soirĂ©es coffeehouse des jeudis soirs, une activitĂ© organisĂ©e par des membres de la communautĂ© Ă©tudiante pour offrir une occasion de se dĂ©tendre et de faire connaissance entre collègues dans une atmosphère dĂ©contractĂ©e.Â
Votre future cohorteÂ
Tout au long du processus d’admission, le ComitĂ© s’emploie Ă constituer une cohorte de personnes aux origines et aux expĂ©riences variĂ©es. Est notamment prise en compte la diversitĂ© linguistique, ethnique, culturelle, socioĂ©conomique et acadĂ©mique, le tout en vue de crĂ©er un environnement propice aux conversations et aux projets enrichissants et dynamiques, tant Ă l’intĂ©rieur qu’à l’extĂ©rieur des salles de classe. D’annĂ©e en annĂ©e, les personnes nouvellement admises nous expriment leur admiration de la qualitĂ© et de la diversitĂ© du corps Ă©tudiant.Â