Explore specialties
- Consider Shadowing in med2 (however - during COVID-19 shadowing is prohibited)
- Join Specialty Interest Groups, and attend meetings (good for both information as well as potentially networking)
- Reading: see our list of essential reading here
- talking to people in your fields of interest, conduct Informational Interviews
- Aim to shadow or talk to physicians in at least 2 fields new to you this year.
Summer plans
Begin thinking about electives
Visit the 91社区 Electives site, and look at the offerings and the requirements for electives in 91社区
For non-Mcgill electives, take a preliminary look through the ; you can also create an account, and begin to build a wish list of electives you might like to do one day
Take a first look at elective application requirements: see the above links for what you'll need to submit to each school of interest, as their requirements may differ substantially
If you do the above steps, also mark your calendars with milestone dates to take care of elective paperwork in "X weeks" in advance of application deadlines.
Meet the Career Advisor (optionally)
- If we haven't met in med1, please try to find some time this year to check in with a OMLA聽Career Advisor.聽
- Even if we have met in med1, feel free to take another meeting as needed.
Try new things
- Research and extracurricular activities,
- ,
- Join something: see the for some great ideas
- Take up a new leisure activity: run, knit, join a choir, pick up some paintbrushes! Anything that enriches your life and makes you happy and well is worth trying.
- 91社区 CaPS has some wise words about this topic. Although some of the information may be less pertinent to medical students, points 1 and 2 are highly relevant.
- Also see the Careers in Medicine article on