
Our Mandate

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs Office acts as an interface between the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) and the Graduate Program Directors (GPDs) in the Departments, Units, and Schools of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Together with our graduate programs, we set priorities aimed to enhance the lived experience for graduate and postdoctoral training within the Faculty and to promote wellness.

We oversee funding competitions that distribute over 1 million dollars to support student and postdoctoral stipends. The undergraduate student research award competition provides NSERC summer research awards and donor-named bursaries for undergraduate biomedical students. The undergraduate student research bursary program provides funding for students in the professional programs (Medicine, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Nursing and Speech Pathology) to gain experience in basic science and clinical research. Our internal studentship and postdoctoral fellowship competitions provide critical stipend support for our graduate student and postdoctoral trainees, who using innovative approaches to uncover solutions to improve health.

We showcase graduate student and postdoctoral fellow research achievements and promote networking.

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