
Xiaoqian (Zoey) Zhang

Xiaoqian (Zoey) Zhang
Contact Information
Email address: 
xiaoqian.zhang [at] mail.mcgill.ca


Current research: 

Research Areas: Health information behaviour; Information use; Information divide; Information poverty

Older adults' health information use during the COVID-19 pandemic

Selected publications: 

Zhang, X. & Yang, F. (2019) Rural informatization policy evolution in China: A bibliometric study. Scientometrics, 120(1), 129-153.

Yang, F, & Zhang, X. (corresponding author) (2019) Focal fields in literature on the information divide: the United States, China, United Kingdom, and India. Journal of Documentation, 76(2), 373-388.

Yang, F., Zhang, X., & Zhang, Y. (2021). Studying the information poverty of the southwest ethnic villages in China: A perspective of the small world life situation. Economic Science Press. (In Chinese)

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